A special update and known to many users as the cover of my calendar back then and of course as a header for various social media channels.
Not much has changed in the meantime – I still like to wear overknee boots and also different bodysuits. Have you already tried some over-the-knee-boots?
Especially in the winter months, overknee boots are simply a practical part of everyday life for me – however, the manufacturers have changed a little.
I separate myself more and more from old brands and prefer some special designers. Maybe there will be once again an action where I sell special outfits from my closet once again – this certainly includes then also some leather overknee boots …
Who follows my VIP channels, with many more updates, will certainly know exactly which overknee boots currently belong to my favorites.
Surely there will also be in the next calendars to this, again some updates with boots… so do not miss…